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Stop the Bleed Program

Life-Threatening Bleeding Facts

  • The number one cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding.
  • Adults can bleed to death in 5 minutes or less from a life-threatening wound.
  • Life-saving bleeding control skills are as easy as A-B-C

Stop the Bleed Program History

Stop the Bleed is the result of a collaborative effort led by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. The life-saving potential of early bleeding control was clear from lessons learned during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Early versions of the Stop the Bleed program were geared toward non-medically trained law enforcement officers, but it soon became apparent that the content could also be made available to the public. 

The evolution of the Stop the Bleed program was also influenced by events such as the 2012 tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. 

Stop the Bleed Program Goals

Just like early CPR intervention by a lay rescuer in a cardiac arrest can increase the rate of survival for cardiac-related events, rapid application of bleeding control techniques can increase the chance of survival in the event of life-threatening bleeding.

Stop the Bleed program teaches lay rescuers simple, combat-tested, life-saving techniques that can increase the chance of survival of a victim suffering from a life-threatening bleeding injury.

Stop the Bleed in Saginaw County

Health care and first responder agencies have offered Stop the Bleed training in Saginaw County for some time.  Since 2019, the Saginaw County Office of Emergency Management has worked with Covenant Healthcare, Ascension St. Mary's, and other first responders to provide this valuable life-saving training free of charge to schools and other organizations throughout Saginaw County.

Persons Trained since 2019

School Staff     1939

Other              44

Would you like to host a Stop the Bleed class at your facility?  Click Here