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Committee Information & Meetings

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission addresses all transportation matters related to transportation planning. The Saginaw Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (SMATS) authorizes the Commission the following: develop and recommend to the Council the Metropolitan Transportation PlanTransportation Improvement Program, and the Unified Planning Work Program. The Committee is delegated the authority to amend the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program. The Committee is responsible for developing policies for compliance with the federal rules and procedures. In particular, this committee has the responsibility for assuring that SMATS transportation plans and programs comply with the  Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act or "FAST Act."

Membership on the SMATS Planning Commission is composed of duly elected or appointed representatives by the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners.  

Policy/Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is an advisory/recommending body to the Planning Commission. The Committee is authorized to address all technical and policy matters relating to the multi-modal transportation planning process, as well as the development of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program. Membership on the SMATS Technical Committee is comprised of representatives of duly elected or appointed representatives of the legally constituted political units or publicly owned transportation providers contained within the Metropolitan Area Boundary (MAB), provided that none of the representatives of political units of government may be employees of the Michigan Department of Transportation. These representatives have the same voting powers as representatives on the Planning Commission. Other agencies or groups having a regional focus related to transportation are allowed membership. The voting status of these agencies is advisory in nature; however, members shall be allowed to bring issues to the SMATS Technical/Policy Committee. 

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