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Walk with Ease (6 week, 18 session walking experience)

Parks & Recreation
5/6/2024 - 6/14/2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Pull out your walking shoes and join us for a FREE 6 week walking experience. This class offers 3 interactive sessions per week with a certified trained leader. Each session will begin with a brief discussion on a topic important to successful walking or arthritis management. Participants will be guided through a warm up and stretching followed by walking and a cool down. This class can help improve overall health, increase flexibility, balance, strength & stamina. Other benefits include reduced pain and discomfort for those suffering with arthritis. ALL ability levels are encouraged to participate and trained leaders will help you be successful. Open to all ages. To obtain the maximum benefit from this program we highly encourage participants to attend all sessions. Location: YMCA Pavilion, 1915 Fordney Street. Call now to register! Cost: Free!


Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day and there will be no class. Class will meet on Tuesday May 28th instead.